Selected Work in Progress
Lim, V., & Landis, B. Brokerage and creative evaluation. (Writing up, Target: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)
Job Market Paper
Finalist of Kauffman Best Paper Award in Entrepreneurial Cognition, MOC Division, AOM 2023
Lim, V., Landis, B, Cortland, C., & Krause, R. Power, relational misperceptions and support for creative ideas. (Writing up, Target: Journal of Applied Psychology)
Lim, V., Krause, V., & Katz, J. The influence of creativity evaluation on managerial trust. (Data Collection, Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology)
Lim, V., & Mannucci, P. V. Silence and idea abandonment. (Data Collection, Target Journal: Academy of Management Journal)
Lim, V. Creativity evaluation in the whisky industry. (Data Collection, Target Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly)
Lim, V., Krause, V., & Katz, J. The influence of creativity evaluation on producer-director relationships in the feature film industry. (Data Collection, Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology)
Other Publications
Guenole, N., Brown, A., Lim, V. (2022). Faking on the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding: Illustrating trifactor modelling for within subject designs. Assessment. (IF: 4.282)
Undergraduate Dissertation
Lim, V., Rooksby, M., & Cross, E. S. (2020). Social robots on a global stage: Establishing a role for culture during a Human-Robot interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics. (IF: 2.516)
This project was conducted as an independent research project before my PhD.
Open-Source Research Materials
Lim, V. (2021). Navon Task (120 trials). URL:
This experimental task was developed for use in my Masters’ research. It was then shared to the open-science repository for free use by researchers running studies on Gorilla’s Experimental platform.